
Friday, October 19, 2012

Beyond meat

If you are not a fan of faux meats STOP reading now.  I mean it go read another post or shield your eyes.  For the rest of you let's talk about Beyond Meat.  Have you heard about it?  It's been on my radar for awhile.  My friend recently sent me an email that Whole Foods would be having an event with Beyond Meat next week.  Couldn't wait!

Curry Chicken

As I've mentioned it's been a little busy at work and I haven't been able to go grocery shopping.  Last night, on a whim,  I went to Whole Foods and stopped by their prepared foods section, to my great surprise they had some items with Beyond Meat in them.
Sesame Chicken
I purchased a few of the prepared items.  Wowzah!  I'm not sure that's even a word but let's pretend.  This taste just like the real deal.  The look and texture are good too.  I kept thinking it was the real deal.

Penne Portobello Chicken
Of the 3 dishes I tried I think the sesame chicken was my favorite.  I didn't see any Beyond Meat on it's own.  I can't wait to try it in some of my own dishes.

Keep your eyes pealed if this is something that you would enjoy cause I think it was pretty friggin' good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not huge on faux meat, but I do eat it on occasion. I've always liked the curried vegan chicken salad at Whole Foods. They've always made it with Gardein, so it'll be interesting to try it with Beyond Meat and see if there's a difference.
